International Theatre Night Santiago

The International Theatre Night in Santiago took place on the 4th of May 2024 in the frame of Intercambio Festival at Centro Dramatico Galego.

On three different levels of the theatre the audience experienced experts from the plays of An Fear Liaght – the Grey Man by Fíbín from Galway (IE), Calígula by Stadttheater Bruneck (IT) spoken language Ladin and The King of Klezmer by Teatrul Evreiesc de Stat in Bucharest (RO) spoken language Jiddish.

This experience was set in the festival of Intercambio an regional theatre and arts Festival in Santiago. The audience had the chance to walk by between two shows of the Galician play Os actores e as profecías on the main stage.

In total 4 regional and minorized languages were heard in one evening in Galicia – the response was enormous. Many people were moved by listening to the different sound of voices and languages, the different artistic approaches of each excerpt of the play and the opportunity getting in contact with so many different people coming from all over Europe.