At the International Theatre Night in Brest , we saw not only the community theatre play Roud Diroud by Mona Caroff, but as well three plays / excerpts of scene of Fanfare (Frisian Language), Let the little children come to me (Kvenni language) and An Fear Liath (Irish language) plus the play Bastard by Teatr Piba in Breton.
Roud Diroud, Retour vers l’avenir, is a flash theater project proposed by Mona Caroff and Teatr Piba. Together with BASTARD, it is part of the European project “Phōnē: Giving minority languages a voice”. Its aim is to bring together an emerging theater artist and a group of amateur actors, on a theatrical proposal in a minority language.
The year is 2080. Humanity is overwhelmed by objects and images from the past. A team has worked to create a museum of traces. So that the most important footprints for the future of mankind can be preserved. The tour begins on the day of the museum’s inauguration, on the site of what was once the “Maison du Théâtre”, and thus already an important place of transmission. Everyone is present: politicians, museum employees, world and local officials working on the traces.