Artistic Director
Tatiana Pratley studied Arts, Culture and Media studies (MA, University of Groningen) and Theatre Directing (BA, Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de kunsten). After graduating in 2012 she directed about 20 productions: mostly site-specific work, music-theatre and community theatre. Both for adults and a young audience. In Tatiana’s work the poetry and banality of ‘reality’ plays a big role. For instance by making a performance on a camping-ground between real camping-guests or involving volunteers from all ages to represent all generations of life.
Besides directing for theatre-companies throughout the Netherlands, Tatiana teaches and coaches directing students. In 2018 she signed for the direction of the opening of Leeuwarden Cultural Capital of Europe. Since her graduation Tatiana worked for Tryater, first as young maker in the talent development-programm of Tryater, since 2020 as artistic leader of the company.