International Theatre Night Bruneck

International Theater Festivalby Daniel GalayIt happened to me recently to participate in an International Theater Festival in the city of Bruneck-Brunico, in northern Italy, near the dolomites mountains. Three plays…


Play by Iaco RigoDirector: Viktoria Obermarzoner 
Set & Costume design: Ursula TavellaMusic: Maria Craffonara Tanz: Sabrina Fraternali light: Jan Gasperi Simultaneous Translation: Bernadett Schneider
Opening Night: 22 April 2024 Ein Theaterstück von Iaco Rigoim Rahmen des europäischen…

Nadia Rungger 

  • Post category:Artists

Artist Nadia Rungger (1998) lives in Val Gardena in South Tyrol. After studying German studies at the University of Graz, she is studying Applied Linguistics at the Free University of…

Jan Gasperi

Artistic Director Born in 1974 and grown up in Bruneck.  After graduation of high school in 1994, co-founder of the "Theater im Pub" (today Stadttheater Bruneck) and technical director since 1998. Responsible for lighting…

Iaco Rigo

Playwright Born in 1968 in Bruneck, he is a journalist, writer, and singer-songwriter in the Dolomites. His literary works include novels, stories, poetry, and plays and are published primarily in…

Christine Lasta

  • Post category:Director

Born in Bruneck. Place of residence : Bruneck - South Tyrol - Italy. Languages: German - Tyrolean - Italian - English ...

Stadttheater Bruneck

  • Post category:Theatres

The Stadttheater Bruneck was founded in 1994 as the "Theater im Pub" in Bruneck by Klaus Gasperi and other committed theatre people. In 1997, three years after its foundation and after about 15 in-house productions ...


  • Post category:Languages

Ladin, also called “rhaeto-romanic” is a neo-latin or romance language. The term ladin derives from th latin Latinus. The structure of Ladin also shows celtic influences ...