Senior advisor
Since 2001 he is leading large-scale cooperation projects under several European grants. Current projects are “PlayOn!” (www.play-on.eu) and “ConnectUp” (www.connect-up.eu) Dedicated to the theme “Concrete Utopias in the Digital Age” PlayOn! is designed to understand, learn, test and apply immersive technology in theatre in order to shift classical storytelling to interactive narrative formats. ConnectUp” sets in place an international cultural initiative for the target group 12+ in order to counteract the process of increasing social and cultural division across Europe. To achieve the aim of cultural inclusion it is essential to provide opportunities for young people to actively engage with different nationalities, cultures and social groups and to remain open to other people and life experiences.
“Documents of poverty and hope – a global theatre intervention”. Three theatres from Europe (IT, PT, GB), two from Canada and one from Australia have joined together to work globally on the theme Poverty and Migration. www.internationaltheatre-project.com